Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice

  • Please read the below Privacy Notice carefully as it contains important information about who, how, and why we will collect, store, use and share your personal information. The Notice also details your rights in relation to your personal information“Data Protection Legislation”
  • This Privacy Notice together with our Terms and Conditions describe how we will collect and process your Personal Data whilst providing you with Services in accordance with Data Protection Legislation.


Data Controller

the person or organisation that determines when, why and how to process Personal Data and responsible for establishing practices and policies in line with GDPR;


The legislation relevant to you

Data Protection Act 2018, including the UK GDPR:

The retained EU law version of the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) (UK GDPR) and

Any other statutory provisions as amended or updated in theUK

Data Protection Officer

The person with responsibility for ensuring data protection compliance;

Data Subject

A living, identifiable individual about whom we hold Personal Data. Data Subjects may be nationals or residents of any country.

Personal Data

Any information identifying a Data Subject that we can identify, from that data alone or in combination with other data

Personal Data includes Special Category Data and Pseudonymised Data but excludes anonymous.

Personal Data can be factual and include details such as a name, email address, identification number, location, date of birth, an online identifier, Internet Protocol (IP) address or an opinion about that person’s actions or behaviour

Pseudonymised Data

Means data where information identifies an individual with one or more artificial identifiers or pseudonyms so that the person to whom the data relates cannot be identified without the use of additional information which is kept separate and secure.

Special Category Data

This is information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, philosophical beliefs or trade union membership, genetic and biometric data and data concerning health, sex life or sexual orientation.

Special Category Data requires higher levels of protection and justification for collecting, storing and using this type of personal information.

Given the nature of our business providing aesthetic and cosmetic products, treatments and service we may process Special Category Data about you in the following circumstances:

  • Where your explicit written consent has been requested and given, The lawful basis for this is legitimate interest and the requirements in relation to health and safety and all relevant legislation
  • Where processing is necessary for us to carry out our legal obligations The lawful basis for this is legitimate interest and the requirements in relation to health and safety and all relevant legislation
  • Where necessary to protect you
  • Where needed in the public interest. The lawful basis for this is legitimate interest and the requirements in relation to health and safety and all relevant legislation

Privacy Policy Statement

  • Vita Renewal Aesthetics will act as the Data Controller in relation to Personal Data used in our business
  • Vita Renewal Aesthetics is committed to ensuring that all Personal Data will be processed in accordance with Data Protection Legislation at all times.
  • In accordance with the Data Protection principles, the personal information held about you will be:
    • used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way;
    • collected only for valid purposes that the we have explained to you a
    • accurate and kept up to date;
    • kept only as long as necessary for the purposes we have told you about;
    • kept securely.


We will collect, store, and use the following (but not limited to) categories of Personal Data about you:

  • Full name and personal details (including date of birth, occupation, and other appropriate bio data)
  • Contact information (including address and address history, personal email address, home and mobile telephone numbers)
  • Relevant details of your physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social for purposes of identifying products, treatments and service that you may receive from us
  • Photographs, video recordings and all special category data needed to properly assess and deliver the most suitable products, treatments and services agreed in consultation with us
  • Information about your health, including any medical condition, health and sickness records.
  • Family and lifestyle circumstances if relevant to treatments, services and products you may obtain from us.Information about your use of our IT, communication and other systems and monitoring information. Details of your visits to our offices and CCTV footage
  • Information collected from your use of our websites such as profile data (including name, email address and contact details, details of the services or updates you request and marketing preferences) usage data (including details of the services you viewed or searched for, page response times, download errors, length of visits and page interaction information) and technical data (including internet protocol address, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug in types operating systems and platforms).It is important that the personal information we hold about you is accurate. Please keep us informed if your personal information changes during your working relationship with us. When you provide information to us by filling
  • Information collected from you when you contact us by telephone, in writing or in person. We may monitor and keep a record of that communication (in whatever form)
  • For insurance purposes.

How your personal information is collected

In general terms we will collect personal information about you directly during the process of ascertaining your needs, identifying your suitability for our products, treatments and services, and in the process of delivering a product, treatment and service to you. We may also collect additional information from third parties for example medical professionals where required.

More specifically we will collect personal information

  • When we collect publicly available information about you
  • When we collect your Personal Data directly from third parties. For example publicly available social media content, information from medical professionals (if and when required) for your health and safety and where you have given permission for your information to be share with us
  • When you provide Personal Data to us relating to any third party, you confirm that you have any necessary consents or authority to do so. You are responsible for ensuring that that provision of Personal Data complies with Data Protection Legislation and other applicable law. You must have the authority to disclose Personal Data if it related to someone else and all data disclosed should be complete, accurate and up to date.
  • We may also collect non identifiable information about you in relation to how you use our Services for example from browser activity on our website

How we use the information we collect about you

  • To enable us to inform and communicate with you about our products, treatments and services
  • To enable us to develop new products, treatments and services to meet the needs of our clientele
  • To respond to enquiries, administer appointments and promote our products, treatments and services
  • To. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of our products, treatments and services
  • To enable us to comply with all relevant statutory and legal obligations

Protecting your Personal Data

We are committed to protecting your Personal Data by keeping to the Data Protection principles above. This will include ensuring that your Personal Data is securely stored to protect against unauthorised access.

We will not sell or trade your Personal Data to third parties. However we may share non identifiable aggregate information with our business partners and affiliates or Personal Data which you have given your expressed consent to share.

Please note that our website will contain advertising and other content from third party websites, products, treatments and services relevant to your aesthetic needs and overall well being .

These links and referrals are intended to inform you, we do not have control over their contents and we do not assume any liability for their contents or any interactions you may have with them.

Your Rights under Data Protection Legislation

As a Data Subject – you have the right to access and receive a copy of your personal data unless an exemption or restriction applies.

This can be done by contacting us and we will endeavour to respond within the statutory timescales.

You can find out more about your rights under data protection by contacting the Information Commissioner’s Office at

These links and referrals are intended to inform you, we do not have control over their contents and we do not assume any liability for their contents or any interactions you may have with them.

Failure to provide Personal Data

Where we need to collect Personal Data by law, or under the terms of our contract with you, and you fail to provide that data we may not be able to provide you with the products, treatment or services you are seeking from us.

VITA Renewal – reserve the right to make changes to this privacy notice as necessary, in keeping with legislative requirements and the needs of our business.